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My first 15 days in the opposition

Austerity, the new PP government team in Mojacar began the legislature with austerity, when the mayoress decided to increase her salary by 42% to € 2,600 gross per month, saying that "I Earn only € 7 for one hour of my work" Where is the vocation of service to the public? In addition, all the councils of her government team will have salary, ALL, increasing 15% to the councils working part-time (2033 € / month gross) and 9% of the councils working full-time (€ 2773 gross per month). Later she has said to the citizens that the official papers where her old salary was written were wrong.... wow austerity austerity ...

Today they finally approved something that they had in his program clearly, very clearly, despite having a public opinion against it, if they won, they would build the aberrant parking in the center of town, for 37 parking spaces, 1,3 million + taxes initial (later would be possible to have more succulent modifications to increase the amount), endangering the church and surrounding buildings. We have broached a battery of reasonable arguments against the parking but the mayoress did'nt reply us (too obvious that what we argued was true?) So hard to spend money on a building that does not solve the parking problems is very strange for me. Will there be any interest hidden?

We'll have a land-tax administration office, will be done by an external company with an agreement with Diputación Provincial de Almeria, € 3540 per month charge to have a technician who directs the work of new tax-bills in property tax that will make our officers (there are a lot of properties without paying the property tax). In addition, the company will charge a nominal 18% on receipt of the new bills whether the bill is paid or not by the taxpayer. Although, according to the government team, the company said verbally that would charge 18% just of the bills paid by the taxpayers. We voted against it because none of the documents adopted in the official sesion of today said the opposite (counter that the City is paying a 18 % of a bill that has not been charged because the taxpayer has not paid). Words are blown away.

Sorry for my english... I want you to know what I think!!


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Estos son los precios de la residencia de Mojácar

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Yo no engaño, señora alcaldesa

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Rosa María Cano y la imagen del político

¿Qué es la política? ¿Qué significa para un ciudadano un político? Son respuestas que pueden resultar abiertas, dando lugar a multitud de respuestas, en los tiempos que corren generalmente negativas. No corren buenos tiempos para la imagen del político, claro que no, más cuando vemos los titulares de la prensa hablando de tramas de corrupción como Gürtel o la del Palma Arena, ambas atribuibles al PP. No voy a extenderme demasiado por no ser pesado pero... ¿no les dará vergüenza quedarse con el dinero de los ciudadanos? ¿Por qué el PP no toma medidas contundentes y engaña a la ciudadanía diciendo que las ha tomado? Sencillamente porque algo huele a podrido... Jaume Matas, ex-ministro del PP, con el que Rajoy ha comido y ha paseado juntos en barco ha conseguido reunir 3 millones de euros como fianza, ¿podría una persona normal y corriente reunir esa cantidad? La respuesta es NO y eso es por lo mismo, porque huele a podrido. Barcenas sigue como senador por el PP, estando imputado y señala